The Hypnobirthing Australia™ program is a unique and comprehensive antenatal education program catering to Australian needs, that builds knowledge and uses techniques such as relaxation, self-hypnosis, breathing & movement for a safer, easier and gentle birth.


The 12 hour 'Positive Birth Program' taught to you in the comfort of your own home. Just you, your birth partner & me! Includes parent booklet & access to amazing online resources. Lockyer Valley locations - travel fees apply outside.



The 12 hour 'Positive Birth Program' program taught in a group setting with up to 4 couples in the Lockyer Valley.
Includes parent booklet & access to amazing online resources.



When should we attend classes?

We recommend starting the Positive Birth Program from 20 weeks of pregnancy, however some couples like to start earlier and others are referred to our program much later. There is no wrong time to be informed, educated and invested in birth!

How do classes run?

Classes run in two formats over either 2 full days (6 hours with a break) or 3 hour sessions over 4 days.

Please include your preference in your contact form. Group classes will most likely be held in 6 hour sessions pending interest.

How do we pay?

A $150 deposit is due for any style of class to secure your dates with the remainder due 7 days before your first class begins. Payments via direct debit.

We are interested in birth photography as well!

I have been attending births for some close family/friends & clients as a photographer and support person since 2020. In 2024, I took a big step back from nearly all wedding commitments to be available as a birth photographer. I would love to chat about being part of your journey - packages for birth photography can be found here.

We heard you are hiring TENS machines?

I sure do! I have two Elle TENS 2 machines that we hire in 5 week blocks ($75 - 37-42 weeks gestation is ideal). If you would like to book a machine, please include the dates you are requesting in your contact form. All machines come with a lanyard, 4 AA batteries, instructions and new maternity electrodes. More info is available here on the Elle TENS website.


Unit 1: Creating & maintaining

a positive mindset

  • Introduction to the positive mindset of hypnobirthing
  • How our brain is wired to birth
  • The role of our caregivers
  • Mind/body connection
  • What is self-hypnosis and how will we use it for birthing?
  • Our hormones are our friends
  • My amazing uterus – the physiology behind birthing
  • Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome
  • Causes of Fear (history) and how it affects our labour
  • Re-programming the subconscious
  • The language for empowered birthing
  • The power of affirmations
  • Birthing environment


  • Self-hypnosis tracks
  • Birth music
  • Conditioning with scent
  • Hypnotic anchors and triggers
  • Releasing endorphins through massage and touch
  • Acupressure for pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding
  • Visualisations for pregnancy, labour & birthing
  • The importance of facial relaxation
  • Relaxation Breathing – a skill for life
  • Surge Breathing – the best tool ever!
  • Techniques to help make your surges more comfortable
  • The ‘urge’ to push/bear down – Breathing/Bearing down

.UNIT 3: Preparation & Choices for empowered birthing

  • Bonding with baby
  • Choices in maternity care
  • Birth Preferences – open communication with caregivers
  • Knowledge is power – researching common interventions and procedures
  • Questions to ask, to assist in making informed decisions
  • Birth partner as advocate
  • ‘Guess date’ – a normal range of pregnancy
  • Inductions – things you’re not always told
  • Achieving a natural start to labour
  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Preparing the body – staying active
  • Optimising baby’s position
  • Breech or Posterior – options & positions
  • Instant relaxation techniques
  • Self-hypnosis, meditation, deep relaxation techniques & scripts

UNIT 4: Birth - bringing it all together

  • What to expect in the weeks and days leading up to birth
  • Signs that labour is starting
  • What to expect through labour (membranes releasing etc)
  • When to call the midwife/go to the hospital
  • Accidental home/car birth – what to do!
  • Birth partner’s role
  • Common procedures
  • Using water during labour and birth
  • Upright positioning, movement and birth positions
  • Special circumstances (including caesarean birth)
  • Fear release
  • Vocalisation
  • Cord clamping & placenta delivery
  • Undisturbed bonding & breastfeeding time – skin to skin
  • What to expect afterwards
  • Self-hypnosis – Rehearsal for Birth
  • A practice routine – preparation for birth!


More questions?

The Hypnobirthing Australia official website is a fantastic resource for exploring more about our wonderful course, birth stories, FAQ's and so much more. You will also find me at @graceschoenauerhypnobirthing where I am often sharing resources and other tidbits.